Introducing EndoManager®, an alternative to MD Reports. As one of the most comprehensive endoscopic report writers available, EndoManager® Imaging combines with ScopeCycle® Scope Tracking to deliver unparalleled efficiency and accuracy in both reporting and end-to-end scope reprocessing. EndoManager® Imaging also integrates with any EMR/EHR or PACS system using industry standard HL7, DICOM, and API interfaces.
Interfaces with Fujifilm®, Olympus®, Pentax® endoPRO® software and any other camera system.
Easily supports multiple video inputs from EUS, EBUS, SpyGlass®, Fluoroscopy, FEES and other modalities.
Exam and scope data are automatically sent to NewCura's ScopeCycle® for a customizable experience.
Capture full HD image and video without compromise.
Easy-to-use interface and one-click exam start that reduces staff workload.
Scalable from single procedure room environments to fully integrated image capture solutions for your entire enterprise.
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